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I like the concept. I like the day-by-day system (reminds me of persona or stardew valley) but I am going to be honest, I barely understood what was going on or what I should be doing. There was an arrow pointing to a location on the map but when I went there it had nothing for me to interact with so I ended up burning a day seeing if it was one of those where you just had to keep waiting for an event to spawn or something. I thought the battle spot was something that needed to be unlocked since the lock was there but to my surprise it was available. I didn't really get what I was supposed to be doing with the cards and the text was hard to read. That said I do think games like this that are akin to Morrowind in that you have little or no instructions are pretty neat even if they were never my thing. Congratulations on finishing, it was an interesting game!

ps. I might try this again later on with a fresh mind since, admittedly, I've been up since 3am and am a bit tired lol


Thank you for the critisism, it is not on you dont worry, we were very skint on time so i wasnt able to add as many tips or pointers as I wouldve liked, we will be updating this game later tonight, and ill add some tips for you to get started. Ps: The arrows with "A" and "D" Allow you to move through the rooms. Thanks for playing!